Alien races book real names

A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy medium. Ever since the book of alien races was translated from russian into english by dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, this secret book has created a major stir among researchers. Over the years various sources such as official documents, videos, images and compelling testimony from eyewitnesses have attested to the fact that human beings are regularly in contact with extra. The ussr, throughout history, has been a treasure trove of information on ets and their craft. The galactic council is the assembly of numerous leaders of different alien empires across the universe including other dimensions like asgard or the negative zone created to deal with different matters of the universe.

The dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface peoples but average between 3 to 4 ft. Its both easy and difficult to create alien names, as they can be anything in any language. Yet many races, before they even attain this freedom, fall under the control and influence of foreign powers. The secrets of the russians contact with aliens that was guarded by the kgb. The earth is being visited by a wide variety of different extra terrestrials. The book includes a chapter about a message which has been delivered by extraterrestrials to several political and religious leaders all over the world over the years. But the names have to sound like a good fit for the species youve invented, so ive tried to make sure many different types of names can be generated. The 20 best alien races greatest of everything ranked user. From furballs to behemoths, from little green men to shades of blue, from mindless parasites to intergalactic empires. The alien race book fascinating reading educating humanity. Oct 09, 2012 assuming an alien race has nomenclature that could translate into human language, here are some cool resources that may help. The visiting races dont give their real race names to humans, or the names we will eventually know them truly by, and this is to prevent slander by name, theft and plagiarism. Agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current times.

All the major alien races from the starfinder core rulebook are supported the starfinder races published to date have names that are not modeled after any ethnicity or blend of ethnicities in earths history. Leslie keans 2008 book is notable both for her prior experience as an esteemed. The extraterrestrial presence in the world today alien. Some of the entries have been the species of several memorable bad guys. Nordics care more for earths environment then they do its human inhabitants. The oldest race that visits earth is over 6 billion years old and is a race of light. Different alien races, types, and species alienuforesearch. Hybrids are particularly common across the cosmos and are believed to be of the alien races in contact with earth. Paul, whose real name resembles a soft purple light in their own language, was an alien with light based communication method. Philip k dick is the best author in the genre and this is his best book by a street. One way to distinguish the clone is that they all look alike. The essential guide to alien species wookieepedia fandom. What are tips for naming an alien species or race for a.

Dante did all of the translations with his friend petro, who later sadly lost his life in a car crash. Alien races and their descriptions, inner earth, multidimensional and off world aliens described by mary sutherland although sgt. Known alien races beings from outer space and beyond. The 12 most terrifying alien races from science fiction. The reptilians shapeshifting alien species and race. Some emerging races are able to establish their own awareness, ability and cooperation to the extent that they can offset outside influences such as these and establish a presence and a position in the greater community. The vast majority are humanoid in structure galactic council. Oct 21, 2014 the book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. A recent book argues that reports of aliens here on earth may be describing our distant human. Learn more about thought catalog and our writers on our about page. A brief incursion into any one of timothy goods excellent books will soon lead one to an unmistakable conclusion. Both the book and the movie are essentially the story of one human and one alien interacting, with a beginning and an ending tacked onto either end. Yet many races, before they even attain this freedom, fall under the.

Clifford stone reports that the united states government has documented over 50 alien species that have come to our earth, i believe i have. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s. The essential guide to alien species is a reference book released by del rey in 2001, written by ann margaret lewis, and illustrated by r. Follow erin on facebook or read more articles from erin on thought catalog.

The files themselves are not even all located in the same place. The book comes with a handy chart with the planets and their constituent species, a pronunciation guide, and a timeline detailing events from 3,000,000 bby to. The secret book of alien races translated from russian. As america has turned away from searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, china has built the worlds largest radio dish for precisely that purpose. At a little over 40 lightyears away theyre practically. In 2004, i became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely randomly at a bar by the beachi was on holidays and he was there with some friends having some drinks. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ancient aliens.

The oldest race in our union is 16 billion years old and is also of light. Possibly one of the most revealing and controversial documents originating from. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. I recently read a book called the alien races book which is a book describing several real alien races. Known types of aliens and races agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current times. The gray s come from a starsystem known as zeti reticuli which is a star system located somewhere in the southern celestial hemisphere and are thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Dc comics alien races incomplete a list of all the alien races in dc comics i could find. These 82 alien species are in contact with earth whistleblower claims there are more than eightytwo species of aliens in contact with humans. A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy. Donald westfall i recently read a book called the alien. It covers 140 species in detail and an additional 25 in a section in the back of the book. Assuming an alien race has nomenclature that could translate into human language, here are some cool resources that may help.

This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying objects. Averaging six to seven feet tall, these blondhaired blueeyed aliens are reported to be telepaths, although some say they possess magical powers as well. In 2004 i, dante santori aka 2 other real legal names met continue reading. Both of these alien races live in the zeta reticuli binary star system, which is about 39 lightyears from earth, and perhaps have some connection, which. This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying. When it comes to star trek aliens, there is probably no species we know less about than the q. This name generator will give you 10 random names for alien species. The sassani are a hybrid that was developed from reptilians and grayhumans. Some are foes, some are friends, some are neither or misunderstood decentfolk. After seeing a ufo once, i believe that other beings exist besides us.

But the names have to sound like a good fit for the species youve invented, so ive tried to make sure many different types of names can be generated, but they generally fit in 3. Generals, pilots, and government officials go on the record, by leslie kean. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb. The book of alien races i thought that your book was very interesting. The book must be good enough to read regardless of how cool the aliens are. Dec 28, 2017 these 82 alien species are in contact with earth whistleblower claims there are more than eightytwo species of aliens in contact with humans. Apr 25, 2016 for this list, were looking at fearsome alien races as a whole, not individual alien villains.

Project blue book is a bunch of files containing over,000 reports of ufo and flying saucer incidents. All of names that humans have for the visiting races are created by humans without the official approval of the alien races. This book has been taken down from the internet, the best way to view this book it to download the alien race book as a pdf file. Nordic aliens get their name from their strong resemblance to stereotypical scandinavian peoples. Known alien races beings from outer space and beyond the complete a to z list of all known alien races kindle edition by brophilius, aidan. The real blonds have distinct facial feature differences, and do not look alike. These may be more entertaining than useful in serious writing. In an effort to limit the possibilities at least somewhat, the following criteria apply. Some worlds with people on them have animal and plant life and some do not. Welcome to the alien species wiki 8,705 articles since we began alien species wiki is a website containing information on any alien creature ever imagined by mankind. Top 10 different types of alien species on earth proof of. In foul deeds will rise, where i had two rival alien races, i made a point of filling one race s names with vowels and going heavy on the consonants with the the other race. There are several different extraterrestrial races in marvel comics universe. The alien race book fascinating reading this back story to this book makes for fascinating reading.

These horrors have inflicted devastation across entire galaxies, their names are always spoken with shudders and their capabilities make the most disturbing nightmares. Dune, frank herbert, the lore and narrative is so well. These,000 files are the ones that were somehow designated as blue book files. This is a collection of names people have reported to be alien names. As with the giants or els this diminutivity may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran its course due to the separation of their races from the international gene pool. The book of alien races kindle edition by petro, dante and, races, alien, aliens, ancient, files, ufo, books, ufo, species, anunnaki, extraterrestrials. Imagine the infinitesimal chance of stumbling across sentient humanoid alien life in this vast universe, then imagine the probability it would look. They range from midgets to giants, godlike humans to bizarre monsters. Dante did all of the translations dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, translated a secret book about aliens from russian to english, capturing the minds of many believers in extraterrestrial life in the process.

All races in all the known universes are of carbon. Seemingly an immortal, omnipotent race of beings that belong to a dimension that, at least in human language, they call the q continuum, the q have demonstrated an ability to move freely through time, instantaneously create, transform, or eliminate matter, and teleport to any location. The hunt for alien life in the universe will go on despite astronomy being out on the backburner while the coronavirus pandemic continues. An untimely death and our human is forced to raise the alien progeny as his own. Large scaly aliens the reptilians or otherwise called reptoids are one of the most dangerous of the alien races visiting earth because of their complete lack of respect for the human race and other alien races for that matter. Select a starfinder race or ethnicity from the navbar to generate random names. The wiki format allows anyone to freely add or edit content. An astonishing testament to the power of human imagination, the star wars epic has become perhaps the most captivating myth of modern times. Secret alien races book translated into english the book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years.

Full text of russian secret alien races see other formats arb ds introduction to the alien races book arb ds arb ds contents introduction to the alien races book the alien races book the alien races the council of 5 alien files alien ships alien dixit the notes and updates she final thoughts in 2004 1 became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely. Some even believe that we humans are genetic hybrids ourselves but thats a discussion for another conspiracy forum. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, bald, with black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb. What are tips for naming an alien species or race for a piece. Full text of russian secret alien races see other formats arb ds introduction to the alien races book arb ds arb ds contents introduction to the alien races book the alien races book the alien races the council of 5 alien files alien ships alien dixit the notes and updates she final thoughts in 2004 1 became friends with an ukrainian guy.

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